EU to Open Domestic Borders Over the Summer


As countries begin to reopen their economies and ease restrictions, members of the European Union begin to coordinate the reopening of their borders. Poland will be one of the first, opening its Italian border this coming Saturday and others the following week. As of right now there is no news on allowing other international entrances to the EU countries. “…we have agreed that the close cooperation between member states and coordination on the EU level is still key for avoiding the new peak of the epidemic in Europe,” said Croatian Interior Minister Davor Bozinovi. While Poland is ready to reopen, other countries are maintaining their restrictions, even for other EU countries. Denmark is not planning on reopening their borders anytime soon.

Read more on the story here

Poland lays out their plan of action

Croatian minister wants more coordination to minimize reinfection

Ukraine will open some of its borders

Officials of many European countries warned earlier this year that borders would be closed over the holidays